Sunday, December 12, 2010


President Kennedys Famous Speech In Front of the Berlin Wall

"To explore the social and historical impacts the Berlin Wall had on Germany and its people. And to remediate the history of the wall using; pictures maps and information to create a multi media website."
(this quote above summarizes the goals of my project for Dr. Megan Timmney's Huma 150 class, at the University of Victoria.)

   The digital Humanities site on the history of the Berlin Wall, from 1961 to 1989 was made for people who have an interest in post-WW2 History, and more specifically events that took place in Germany during the Cold War. However, some of the sites remediated content could be used for a more in depth research . For example; if someone wants to know about the exact location of the wall and some Historical points along the wall, my map will have the pertinent information. 

   The entire site was created by Gabe Baron, a Social Science undergraduate student at the University of Victoria.


   After 1989, Germany became a unified nation and so the Berlin Wall, which had devided the two nations, was abandoned.  Artists from across the world came to make their mark on the Berlin Wall, By painting pictures or placing their tags of events that had occurred. The Wall turned into an art piece and a canvas that depicted the pain and suffering of those who living under the oppresive regime of Communist East Germany. I created a collage in commemoration of the whole period from 2010 to 1962 when it was built, including the 28 years of turmoil while the Wall was still operational. My collage starts from the present (top left) 2010, and works its way down to the laying of the first brick (bottom right) in 1962.

(It is amazing, how something that had caused so much personal pain and turmoil, could become something that brings people happiness; a work of art)

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